Happy Heavenly Birthday Gigi
Author Jenny Robinson Clark and her mother Gigi
Today’s the day friends!
I couldn't be more excited on this special day to meet and spend a couple hours with those of you who RSVPd.
Keep scrolling for all the important details and a quick rundown of the event. I know it’s a long email but stick with me, I promise it’s worth it!
So… Why is TODAY of all days so special?
My mom would have been 72 years old today.
It's crazy to me 7 years have passed, but if she was here today I know she would be helping me plan and decorate for the event. She was the best party planner and host.
I'm known to be a little indecisive (you can ask Travis lol) but planning this was a breeze, so I know she was guiding me in every decision.
As I continue to grieve her loss—I'm reminded of the beauty, light, and love she brought to everyone she met.
Her smile would literally light up every room she stepped into and her energy exuded a warmth that you could feel all the way on the other side.
I can only hope that I received that part of her and carry that very same beauty, light, and love with me into every room I enter, every person I meet, and every project I create.
We’ll be sure to take lots of pictures, share highlights from the event, and post the cover on the website so stay tuned!
This would not have been possible had my mom not been born, so thank you mama, this is all because of you. ❤️
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the best mom I could ever ask for.
With deep gratitude,
Jenny Robinson Clark
Cover Reveal and Live Performance:
We are excited to celebrate with you today. For those of you joining, we’ll see you at 3pm TODAY at Oh Hey Cafe (1325 Lee Rd Orlando, FL 32810).
Here’s a quick run down of the event:
3pm-3:30pm arrival grab a coffee, tea and snack
3:30pm-4:15pm cover reveal, performance of "Are You Here?", Q and A with Travis and Jenny
4:15pm-5pm take photos, mingle, kids play departure.
Please bring any questions you may have for a lively discussion and on social media tag Travis @traviswethekings and Jenny @jennyrobinsonclark so we can reshare with others!
P.S. Be sure you get all these updates in Jenny’s newsletter by subscribing below and saving Jenny Robinson Clark to your contacts so they reach your inbox!